The artist Philine-Johanna Kempf speaks in many languages. One of them reflects their knowledge of Native American myths and their elementary experience in trying to trace the origins of cultural patterns of behavior. A stay of several years in Chile led to an intense occupation of the artist with non-European cultures, in particular the myths of the Mapuche Indians and their machi-healer. It carries old knowledge and communicates this to the person seeking help in a spiritual way. The goal is liberation through the act itself.
Natural materials as part of the artistic performance
An example for thematic presentation.
Three figures play a major role here: "The Symbol for the Diseased Soul", "The Good Spirit", "The Machi as Mediatrix". Philine-Johanna Kempf seeks their expression in the gestalt and its simplification in three imaginary spaces.
The sculptures in room I are made of leather, fur and paper and painted. Leather is one of the main materials the artist works with. They are set up in elliptical form and delimited by herbs and plants. A metal box on a wooden log as a ritual object, whose power allows the transition into the night, the world of sleep and dreams, symbolizes the receiving collective consciousness.
A three-piece installation of fine wood rods, copper strings, raffia and nylon, held by handmade paper, illustrates the place of transition where light and shadow blend to create transparency.
The images of the dream emerge as a reflection of the state of waking - the musician conveys the interplay of feelings, thoughts and visions, from which the artistic process and its result, the artistic work in space II, emerge. Painted paper webs symbolize the work in the background at the easel. They are then hung up for everyone to see.
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