Philine-Johanna Kempf was born in Bremerhaven. She studied product design in the department of metal design at the University of Applied Sciences Hildesheim. Afterwards at the UNI-HH German Studies, Technology, Pantomime, Pedagogy etc. and at the HBK-HH free art and design under Prof. Peter Raake.
Her unusual objects of jewelery - wearable art - as well as her works in the visual and performing arts often gave her attention in higher art circles.
work areas
The artist specializes in jewelry collages, wearable art objects, sculptures and objects made of various natural materials such as bronze, stone, ceramics, wood and handmade paper. In addition there is artistic design in the field of painting and graphics, such as unique book objects, carpets and installations.
The work deals with the "big picture". Her art shows that Philine-Johanna Kempf has no fear of materials, subjects or opportunities to deal with a cause and to touch.
This opens up a great variety of senses: putting thought and feeling into visible forms, for the invisible finds a spontaneous expression in the sound of the voice and in the movement. It leads man over time and space, and in doing so man changes both externally and internally.
Not only the wearable art but also the painting ...
Telling about the process on the work board
How does traveling in and with art combine?
curriculum vitae
Born 1954 in Bremerhaven
1959 - 1972 lives in Oldenburg
1972 - 1976 University of Applied Sciences in Hildesheim with degree as Dipl. Metall Designerin
1976 - 1984 Resident in Hittfeld, second study at the University of Hamburg and the Academy of Fine Arts Hamburg, set up a workshop, member BBK, BK, GEDOK, IAPMA
1984 - 1989 workshop and apartment in mesh
1989 Relocation of studio and apartment to Baden-Baden, construction of a gallery
1994 - 1997 Apartment and studio in Chile / South America Study trips: Argentina, within Chile from Tierra del Fuego, Patagonia to the Atacama Desert and the Peruvian border. Arica, Peru, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Colombia, Brazil, Kenya, China
since 1997 living and working in Karlsruhe
1998 in April Change of name, stage name from 1976 to 3/1998: Philine-Johanna Giebel-Schwarz now Philine-Johanna Kempf: PHILINE - all signatures on my works are signed with this name.
1999 lives in Muggensturm with studio
FILMPRO (founded in 2008)
Since 2011 Wohngalerie in 13407 Berlin
Since 2010 further working / living space in Stotel
October 2015 Moving to Mallorca / Felanitx with JUKE-ART
For the last four years I have been involved in film production.
A Trilogy EXPERIMENTAL "Human Rights Dignity" was completed in collaboration in Chile. The collaboration with Diego Pino production company Krayon / Valdivia emerged and also with Gabriela Lang, Gala-artclip / Karlsruhe.
By visiting for more than 20 years now the Locarno Film Festival, I have been able to use the won contacts for this work. My films are not usual, but constantly looking for new means of expression that can be shown as an independent art product. It is another way to move in images, to capture moments that are transitory. Film is also a way to walk with many people on a common track and on the whole, it can be a thing to submit. In this context, I would like to mention my daughter Tabea, who has documented several performances and I could insert these recordings. A happy state.
So Gabiela Lang and I founded the FILMPRO.
We are concerned with the autonomy of our own tasks and the joining together of joint projects.
gala artclip
In the long term, we will be able to link our work to a separate page. Here is an idea.
You can get the first part in the art DISCOVERY for 10.- + shipping. If you are interested in the trilogy, please contact me.
Another project that is important for me, where everyone can be involved, who, like me, is interested in global, peaceful networking, would like to find out more about "human is love".
We say no to violence!
Get a first glimpse into the work of Philine-Johanna Kempf, wearable art, objects and painting.